Sunday, September 2, 2012

Help! My husband brought me the wrong Shea Butter!

I love my husband, don't get me wrong.  But he is not natural. He only uses one product on his hair, Pert Shampoo.  So, when I sent him out for Shea Butter, I should have sent specific instructions.  But I didn't.  I trusted that he had been closely observing my natural hair routine (what was I thinking?) and knew what my holy grail products were.  He had to at least know what products to avoid, like mineral oil or petroleum.  Being natural had taken over my life,  it must have taken over his too, right???  Nope.  He came home with Palmers Shea Butter Formula from Walmart.  Really?  Really?  Needless to say, I have had to do some serious training on products, and he has improved!  I am so proud of him!  

In my home, going natural was not an individual process.  When I went natural, everyone in the house was effected!  Suddenly, my three year old talks about her natural hair journey, or about conditioning her hair.  She knows that she is natural, and so is mommy.  Suddenly, my husband is doing my child's co-washes and knows that before she goes to bed, she is required to wear a head scarf.  Its like a whole new world has opened up to them.  Its amazing!  My most touching moment was during a particularly tough time after I big chopped.  My hair was a mess and I had no idea what to do with it.  My husband sat me down and gave me a hug as he said, "Don't worry, you'll get it.  Its a journey right?" 

What about you?  How has going natural effected your household?  Does your significant other support your natural hair journey?  


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